Leadership 360 feedback questionnaire

Our standard leadership 360 feedback questionnaire will help you develop the capability of your leaders


Provide your leaders with feedback on essential leadership competencies

How leaders behave has a huge impact on the employee experience and your organisation's culture. Everything they say and do, and how they say and do it, has an impact on everyone around them. If you want to change your culture then changing how leaders behave is one of the best ways to do so. 360 degree feedback is the most cost-effective method to develop your leaders (read more on that here), which makes 360 degree feedback also the best way to evolve your culture.

Our leadership 360 questionnaire is an off-the-shelf solution that is perfect where you do not have an existing leadership framework, the time, or the resource to develop your own.

What does the leadership 360 measure?

Leadership is complex. There are dozens of behaviours that impact a leader's effectiveness. In addition, the context a leader operates in has an influence on the most appropriate behaviours for the situation. As such, designing a totally comprehensive model of leadership is a little unrealistic (just think about all the books on leadership!).

However, we carried out some research a few years ago to try and identify the most important leadership behaviours. We did identify some core behaviours that link to leadership effectiveness.

We're not saying it is a definitive model, but it is intended to be a great place to start if you do not have an existing leadership framework.

How does the leadership 360 questionnaire work?

Our leadership 360 feedback questionnaire is completed online. Each 'rater' completes an online questionnaire where they rate how often they see the feedback recipient displaying the specific behaviours in the framework.

All you need to give us are the names of each rater and their relationship to the feedback recipient (eg are they a colleague, direct report, stakeholder, etc).

We email each rater with a link to the questionnaire asking them to complete the questionnaire.

The data is captured in our highly secure, GDPR compliant employee survey platform.

What you get

We aggregate scores for each rater group and create a report for each 360 recipient.

The report provides feedback on:

  • 'Self' versus 'Other' scores. This is designed to highlight any differences ini how the feedback recipient views themself compared with how other people view them - great for identifying blind spots and hidden strengths.
  • overall scores for each of the 8 HR competencies, split by rater group.
  • individual question scores within each competency, split by rater group.
  • top 5 strengths.
  • top 5 development needs.
  • open comments.

Facilitating the feedback

In our experience where people say they have previously 'had a bad experience of 360' it is because of the way the feedback was handled.

As such, we strongly advise that you do not just provide the feedback report to each recipient without any form of facilitated feedback.

Professional feedback coaching

Feedback can be facilitated internally or by someone externally, but the most important thing is that the feedback facilitator is skilled in the art of giving feedback.

Our professional 360 feedback coaches will save you the time involved in delivering 360 feedback. Most importantly though, we will ensure that each 360 recipient receives high quality, constructive feedback that will enable them to begin making positive change as a result of the feedback.

What's the cost?

Our leadership 360 feedback questionnaire is just £125 per person. There is no limit on the number of raters.

For this you get:

  • Your 360 questionnaires will be sent out within two days of you sending us all of the rater information.
  • We will monitor 360 questionnaire completion and send out periodic reminders.
  • We will produce a 360 feedback report for each recipient.

If you would like us to facilitate the 360 feedback the cost for that is £250 per person.

For this you get:

  • A 90 minute feedback coaching session delivered via Teams.

Want to improve the capability of your leaders?