Improve retention with our employee exit surveys

Expert suppliers for tailored employee exit surveys

Employee exit surveys

Reduce employee turnover with our tailored employee exit surveys

Gathering feedback from leavers is essential if you are to identify how to reduce employee turnover, improve employee retention and reduce the costs associated with employee turnover. Our employee exit surveys are the most cost-effective solution.

The disadvantages of exit interviews

Whilst many organisations feel that exit interviews are the best way to gather feedback from leavers, we find that there are four common challenges with exit interviews that limit their impact:

Exit interviews take up a lot of resource

  • Exit interviews need someone to organise them.
  • The exit interview itself typically takes around an hour to conduct.

Exit interviews are not anonymous

  • In our experience, many employees will turn down the offer of a face to face, or telephone exit interview because they know that what they say can be attributed to them and they fear that there will be negative consequences as a result.

Exit interviews do not generate consistent feedback

  • Exit interviews are often conducted by different people so there is always variation in how they are run.
  • Even where you have a standard set of exit interview questions, the nature of interviews means that the output is likely to vary significantly.
  • The person conducting the exit interview also needs to be skilled.

Exit interview data is difficult to analyse

  • Even where exit interview data is captured in a consistent format, it is likely to be captured manually, which makes collating and analysing the data extremely time-intensive, slow and takes up even more resource.
  • In fact, we usually find that where organisations are carrying out exit interviews the data is simply ‘filed’ and never really analysed.

Online employee exit surveys are the solution

Online exit surveys are much more effective than traditional exit interviews making them the best method for gathering feedback from leavers.

Exit surveys take up a lot less time and resource.

  • There is nothing to arrange with an exit survey.
  • All that is needed is to send an email to each leaver.

Exit surveys can be totally anonymous

  • Exit surveys do not require people to provide their name.
  • All your leaver data can be aggregated so no single individual's responses can be identified.

Exit surveys generate much more consistent and higher quality data.

  • The design of an exit survey makes it much more quantifiable.
  • As every leaver answers the same questions, in the same way, the data is much more consistent and easier to analyse.
  • The data is captured electronically so no need to do any manual analysis.

Exit survey design and administration

Survey design and administration

We help you get your employee exit survey up and running quickly and cost-effectively.

Painless exit survey design

We work with you to design your exit survey, ensuring the content and look and feel suits your business.

We have an extensive library of exit survey questions that we can draw on and all of our exit surveys are tailored to your business and what you want to achieve.

Just need is a standard exit survey? Check out our low cost exit survey.

Secure employee survey platform

Your exit survey will be deployed through our own highly secure employee survey platform.

Our exit surveys are fully GDPR compliant and we're accredited with CyberEssentials+, which means your data is safe with us.

Easy to complete

Exit survey invites are sent out via email, SMS or QR code (which works really well where you do not have personal email addresses and where staff are not deskbound).

Either we can send out survey invites to your leavers, or you can just integrate the survey link into your existing leaver communications.

Our employee exit surveys are also fully mobile optimised making it easy for people to complete them whenever and wherever they want.

Just click on the QR code or point your phone’s camera at it to view a demo survey….

Employee exit survey demo

Quick and easy access to your exit survey results

Employee survey reporting dashboard

Even where businesses do collect data from leavers, many don’t systematically analyse it.

Pulling data together and analysing it takes time and resource and, let’s face it, most of us have other more pressing things to do.

Our employee exit survey platform was built specifically for exit surveys. This means the inbuilt analysis tools are all relevant to what you want to see through our web-based reporting dashboard.

And, unlike other dashboarding software, there is no configuration needed to make it work. It also means you don’t need to involve IT!

Real-time results

The real power of our employee exit survey platform is that it makes accessing your exit survey data extremely easy.

You can view your exit survey data in real time through our reporting dashboard allowing you to quickly identify key insights and share those with your stakeholders.

Intuitive analysis

Playing around with your onboarding survey data is highly intuitive and makes slicing and dicing your data significantly quicker and easier than using Excel or other business intelligence software.

Bring your exit survey data to life

With multiple charting options and preset analysis already built in, our reporting dashboard really helps bring your survey data to life.

We can even import any historical exit survey data you might have. For instance if you have an existing exit survey running (using something like SurveyMonkey), you can use our platform to seamlessly switch over to begin viewing and interrogating that data through our reporting dashboard.

From insight to action

Data means nothing if you don’t take action as a result.
Our employee exit surveys will help you move from insight to action.

Realworld Employee Surveys

User access

We can give individual users access to their own exit survey dataset(s) so they can access and play around with their exit survey data. We can define specific datasets and user authority so that each user has access to the full functionality of the reporting dashboard, but only for their part of the business. This really increases the level of ownership and accountability for doing something with the exit survey data.

Flexible reporting

Creating reports is really quick and easy through our reporting dashboard. You can create as many ad-hoc exit survey reports as you want, as often as you want.

Inbuilt action planning

Our exit survey reporting dashboard has comprehensive action planning functionality. Users can define specific action plans, delegate actions and monitor progress against those actions.

We have been working with Realworld for 6 years now and  have accumulated a rich bank of data which allows us to track trends over time. Realworld have always been responsive, seeking to understand what we are looking to achieve and suggesting minor amendments to the survey set up or reporting which would meet those requirements. We now have a sophisticated survey providing a rich set of results which informs actions for the year ahead which are discussed at Board level.

Sharon Bell, Chief Executive, Services For Education

Realworld Employee Surveys

The whole team at Realworld offer an intelligent insight into our employee experience. Since working with Realworld our employee engagement has risen and we have been able to make positive changes within the workplace which mirrors our employee voice. The data/feedback Realworld has provided us has enriched our business performance. I would recommend them wholeheartedly.

Carlie O'Hare, Retention Lead, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust

NHS quarterly pulse survey

Get in touch to see how we can help

Try as hard as we might there are bound to be questions that you might still have so feel free to get in touch and see how we can help.